For the 15th piece in Daily Thread, my 2019 stitch journal, I returned to the theme of “sky.” The first sky piece was stitched during May and June; this second one was stitched from Day 268 through Day 284 of the project, during September and October.
Stitched with just two colors—a variegated blue-green thread and a white thread—it’s one of the simplest pieces of the project. I wanted it to convey the quietness of an early morning sky. The simplicity of the colors and stitching were meant to convey the feeling of a new day just begun, the early hour when the day still holds the possibility of peace and serenity.
The vertical white lines were added last of all. Because they’re close in tone to the white linen, they are hardly visible if you’re too far from the piece. They’re a sort of visual “reward” for viewers who take the time to come close and really take a look. I’ve been a gallery sitter many times in my life and it always breaks my heart a little when people circle quickly around a show and only view the work from a distance, never taking the time or trouble to come closer and actually engage with the art the way the artist did. For this reason, I also carry stitching around to the sides of my embroideries—another little detail that will only be seen by those who make the effort to approach the work.
Coming up: My next Daily Thread post will be about the 16th piece, which had the theme of “leaves.”
Exhibition news: I’m happy to share that my April 2020 show at the Hosmer Gallery, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been rescheduled to June 2022. The gallery is located in the Forbes Library in Northampton, Massachusetts.
My September 2020 show at Easthampton City Arts—also cancelled due to the pandemic—hasn’t yet been rescheduled; the gallery remains closed. In the meantime, you can view two of my negative space embroideries in the online exhibit POST PAUSE. The show presents works created during this time of pandemic by artists in western Massachusetts. Each artist's work is accompanied by a statement about how their creative practice has been impacted by COVID-19.
About the Daily Thread Project
@bonniesennottart on Instagram